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 2003 Highlights

Greenwave Environmental Care Project
SembMarine’s subsidiary Sembawang Shipyard launched the Green Wave Environmental Care Project (www.sembship.com/greenwave) for schools in Singapore in January 2003.

Open to all students, the Green Wave Environmental Care Project competition aims to inspire and motivate young minds to think innovatively and adopt advanced technologies on environmental protection and improvement so as to inculcate a sense of personal and group responsibility for their own environment in the students.

The first project of its kind in the Singapore marine engineering industry, winners of the award not only take home prize money but starting 2004, will have the opportunity to take up developmental attachments with Sembawang Shipyard and its alliance partners, such as Shell Trading and BP Shipping.

The inaugural award presentation ceremony was held on November 27, 2003, with Mr Lim Swee Say, Minister for the Environment as the Guest-of-Honour.

SARS Efforts
The severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus invaded Singapore borders in February 2003. For three months, our nation battled against SARS on all fronts and on May 31, 2003, the World Health Organisation announced that Singapore was removed from its list of SARS affected countries.

During the SARS outbreak, we at SembCorp Industries undertook prompt actions to help control and prevent the spreading of SARS.

A taskforce was promptly set up at the SembCorp Industries corporate headquarters to look at ways to effectively and swiftly implement, control and manage the SARS threat. Precautionary measures included the suspension of all business travel to SARS-affected countries, temperature screening for all employees and visitors, enhanced cleaning of common areas, issuance of personal hand sanitisers and thermometers, and the review of business continuity plans across our businesses.

Apart from putting SARS preventive measures in place, our businesses also actively contributed to helping the nation in its bid to combat the virus.

SembLog was activated by the government to help combat SARS in April 2003. Its role was to provide logistics support and procurement services for essential supplies such as isolation gowns, gloves, respiratory masks and thermometers. In a true test of our supply chain management readiness, a 24-hour Operations Centre was set up within days to provide a single point of contact for all parties and to co-ordinate the requirements from various agencies and departments.Besides providing medical supplies to the hospitals, SembLog also sourced for some 2 million oral digital thermometers, equipping all school-going children with a thermometer and 1 million households in Singapore with a SARS toolkit that included a thermometer and masks, among other items.

SembWaste Medical, a subsidiary of SembEnviro, also played an essential role in ensuring no recontamination through proper handling of medical waste and its incineration. SembWaste Medical employees are trained in proper collection procedures and drive a fleet of specially-designed trucks that are watertight and regularly disinfected. SembWaste Medical’s systems allowed workers to continue collecting potentially life-threatening waste. Essential services were kept functioning at a time of international crisis, underpinning Singapore's post-SARS recovery.



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An incineration facility at SembWaste Medical, one of the providers of essential services that underpinned Singapore's post-SARS recovery.
A poster for the Green Wave Environmental Care Competition.