Employee Profile
As of December 31, 2003, our permanent headcount
stood at 10,972 and contract staff was 5,601. The employee
profile shown here reflects the characteristics of our
permanent staff.

“I meet each and every individual of the talent
pool personally and track their individual career development
and progress. We look at how we can provide them with
the right training, skills and environment to succeed.”
Wong Kok Siew, Deputy Chairman & CEO,
SembCorp Industries
At SembCorp Industries, we strongly believe that our
people are our key assets and one of our critical success
factors. We recognise and value the contribution of
each and every individual. We are committed to developing
a highly competent and skilled workforce, and creating
a rewarding work environment for our employees.
Managing our talent – a global perspective
We believe that empowered and committed people
help us create a competitive advantage that is irreplaceable.
Having the right team of individuals with the right
skills, motivation and passion to succeed is the key
to sustaining outstanding performance. With a holistic
talent management framework in place, we continue to
develop individuals with a view to equip them to manage
SembCorp Industries’ global operations, to develop
and execute worldwide strategies and to service customers
all around the globe.
Constantly reviewing our Group’s requirements
for expansion both in Singapore and overseas, we actively
source, recruit and deploy our talents from all over
the world in our various international locations, ensuring
that each key location is staffed with a strong team.
To ensure that our employees have the necessary exposure
to manage international operations and a global mindset,
job rotations and overseas postings are an integral
part of the development programme. In 2003, there were
more than 30 placements for our executives within the
various businesses of the Group. Executives from our
overseas operations were also attached to our businesses
in Singapore. Through these placements, we believe that
our employees will not only gain in-depth experience
of what it means to work in a global company, but there
will also be greater integration of business practices
and values within the Group. As we continue to maximise
our employees’ opportunities for success through
training and development, we will see increasing inter-company
movement of employees in 2004.
Meanwhile, other initiatives such as networking sessions
for our talent pool to interact with senior management
and peers from businesses across the Group continue
to be undertaken as a forum for the healthy exchange
of ideas and feedback. To date, our CEO has personally
met up with 74 executives since the launch of this initiative.
Our passion and commitment to develop our people is
endorsed by SPRING (Standards, Productivity and Innovation
Board) as we continued to fulfill the criteria of People
Developer through a re-audit in 2003. People Developer
is Singapore’s quality standard for human resource
development that recognises organisations which bring
out the best in people for better business results.
In 2003, each employee received 37.6 training hours
on average. Compared to 2002, this represents an increase
of five training hours per employee.
Executive Resource & Compensation Committees
Our commitment to people development is also
reflected at Board level. The formation of Executive
Resource & Compensation Committees (ERCC) in all
our companies is a clear mandate from our Board of Directors.
One of the key objectives of these committees is to
chart out the career development of our senior management.
The committees discuss the career development of senior
management members and review the talent management
programme for each of the companies within the Group.
Creating a strong leadership pipeline
With the aim of developing a strong leadership
pipeline, SembCorp Industries sponsors the studies of
promising young people who have done well in both academic
studies and extra-curricular activities. Since the launch
of the SembCorp Industries’ scholarship programme
in 1990, 70 scholarships have been awarded.
In 2003, we awarded undergraduate scholarships to three
promising young talents. Postgraduate studies were also
awarded to outstanding executives with excellent performance
and potential to take up management positions.
Caring for the well-being of our staff
At SembCorp Industries, our concern for our
employees’ development extends to their well-being.
We strive to help our employees lead healthy and vibrant
lifestyles. Seven of our companies were distinguished
as employers with commendable workplace health programmes
at The Singapore H.E.A.L.T.H. (Helping Employees Achieve
Life-Time Health) Award 2003 by the Ministry of Health.
Out of the seven awards received, four were Silver
Awards and three were Bronze Awards. Jurong Shipyard,
Jurong SML and Sembawang Shipyard of SembCorp Marine
as well as SembCorp Utilities received Silver Awards,
while SembCorp Engineers and Constructors and SembUtilities’
SMOE and SUT Sakra each received a Bronze Award.
Instilling ownership ethos through employee
share options
We continue to reward employees who have contributed
to the growth of SembCorp Industries by giving them
an opportunity to have a personal equity interest in
the company. Share options are granted to all eligible
staff, excluding employees of subsidiaries with share
option plans of their own. We believe that through this
scheme, a sense of ownership and identification with
the company can be fostered.
In 2003, share options were offered in two tranches.
Share options offered in June 2003 |
Category |
Headcount |
Senior Management |
81 |
Non-Executive Directors |
9 |
Directors Employees |
2669 |
Total |
2759 |