Onshore Jack-up of the 11,500 tonne Malampaya Integrated
(SembCorp Utilities)
In any development of a floatover installation, it is
necessary to ensure that the deck legs are high enough
to move over the sub-structure during the floatover
operation. In the Malampaya project, SembUtilities
offshore engineering division SMOE fabricated the 11,500
tonne integrated deck, the second heaviest integrated
deck ever constructed, at low elevation for ease of
construction during operation and later jacked it to
a higher elevation (of more than 22 metres) for floatover.
Helping to accelerate the project construction schedule
and reduce operational cost, the floatover was achieved
using four jacking columns with 16 sets of 900 tonne
capacity strand jacks. The strand jacks operated on
a hydraulic system that used a fail safe
mechanism by taking advantage of the mechanical gripping
action. The method also had the added advantage of reducing
the eccentric loading on the jacking columns.
(SembCorp Utilities)
SembUtilities integrated utilities subsidiary
SUT Sakra successfully optimised its wastewater treatment
operations and resources deployment with this project,
which was identified through Economic Value Added (EVA)
The simple but innovative idea was to divert wastewater
from two of its wastewater treatment plants to replace
the use of potable water as dilution water at another
wastewater treatment plant. The diversion freed up capacities
for new customers which would potentially result in
extra revenue, while the reduced consumption of potable
water at one of the wastewater treatment plants reduced
operational cost for the customer.
New SmartTime Management System (SembCorp Marine)
SmartTime is a state-of-the-art time management
and control system specially developed by SembMarines
subsidiary Jurong Shipyard to replace its bar code based
Placed in the Traffic Monitoring Housing at security
check points to track and monitor human traffic, SmartTime
enables more efficient and accurate capturing of employee
and contractor information as they enter and leave various
locations in the company as opposed to the old bar code
based system which was cumbersome and inaccurate.
With its implementation, the flow of information and
communication has improved for employees and contractors.
Employees no longer have to wait in long queues to move
through security checkpoints and maintenance cost was
