“Risk management is not about the elimination
or avoidance of risks. In doing business, risks
always exist and should not be ignored, but must
not be exaggerated or feared. We need to take
risks to achieve a return. Risk management does
not guarantee that certain business undertakings
will not fail. Rather, risk management is about
identifying and being aware of the risks associated
with a business undertaking. It is about the ability
to measure the risks in relation to the returns.
It is about having the systems to monitor, to
manage, and to control the risks we are taking.
It is about tools that help us manage risks better.
I would strongly encourage all our companies to
continue dedicating time, money, and people to
build and strengthen their risk management.”
An extract of our Chairman Peter Seah’s
speech at a risk management forum, the quote above
spells out the essence and rationale of risk management
and sets the tone for the enterprise risk management
(ERM) framework and processes for SembCorp Industries.
In other words, what we try to do in managing
enterprise risk is to integrate risk management
into the business processes throughout the Group
with the objective of optimising our risk/return
A robust enterprise risk management framework
SembCorp Industries’ ERM framework
incorporates a continuous process for raising
risk awareness and embedding a risk management
culture within the Group. A systematic approach
is adopted for identifying and evaluating major
risks affecting SembCorp Industries so that treatment
plans can be made to manage such risks. Risk monitoring
and reporting systems are employed to enable early
detection and escalation of risks to the various
levels for review and appropriate action. Risks,
policies and systems are regularly reviewed in
view of the changing operating environment of
our businesses.
Under this broad ERM framework, the respective
Chief Risk Officers and risk champions in each
of our business units are responsible for developing
and implementing risk management systems and practices
in their respective operations. However, managers
at every level of the organisation are responsible
for managing and reporting risks. Significant
risks are reported for review and monitored by
the relevant Risk Committees.
The role of risk committees
The Board formed a Risk Committee to
oversee the effectiveness of ERM systems and practices
for the Group. Its key duties are outlined on
page 55 of the Annual Report (under Corporate
At the senior management level, a Risk Review
Committee (RRC) was formed to provide overall
leadership and direction for ERM. The committee’s
key duties are as follows:
Ensure the implementation of
Group-wide risk management plans |
Develop and review Group-wide risk policies,
guidelines and limits |
Review and analyse Group risk profile, manage
and monitor major risk exposures and follow
up with risk treatment strategies and actions |
Develop Group-wide risk strategies and plans
to address common risk exposures affecting
the Group |
Conduct training and development programmes
to enhance risk management capabilities |
At present, the RRC comprises senior management
from the various disciplines such as Finance,
Legal, Strategic Planning and Risk Management.
The committee will continue to draw members from
other disciplines and business units to leverage
on their relevant experience and expertise.