Notice is hereby given that the Sixth Annual
General Meeting of the Company will be held at
The Theatrette, 60 Admiralty Road West, Singapore
759947 on Friday, April 30, 2004 at 11.00 am for
the following purposes:
Ordinary Business
To receive and adopt
the Directors’ Report and Accounts for the
year ended December 31, 2003 |
1 |
2. |
To approve the payment of a gross
final dividend of S$0.05 per share less income tax
for the year ended December 31, 2003 |
Resolution 2 |
3. |
To re-elect the following Directors,
each of whom will retire by rotation pursuant to
Article 93 of the Company’s Articles of Association
and who, being eligible, will offer themselves for
re-election: (a) K Shanmugam (independent member
of Audit Committee) (b) Goh Geok Ling (c) Richard
Hale OBE (independent member of Audit Committee) |
Resolution 3
Resolution 4
Resolution 5
4. |
To re-elect the following Directors,
each of whom will retire pursuant to Article 99
of the Company’s Articles of Association and
who, being eligible, will offer themselves for re-election:
(a) Yong Ying-I (b) Dr Vichit Suraphongchai |
Resolution 6
Resolution 7
5. |
To re-appoint Tetsuro Kawakami, a
Director, who will retire under Section 153(6) of
the Companies Act, Cap. 50, to hold office from
the date of this Annual General Meeting until the
next Annual General Meeting |
Resolution 8 |
6. |
To approve the sum of S$675,321 as
Directors’ Fees for the year ended December
31, 2003 (2002: $623,417) |
Resolution 9 |
7. |
To re-appoint KPMG as Auditors of
the Company and authorise the Directors to fix their
remuneration |
Resolution 10
Special Business
To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following
resolutions which will be proposed as Ordinary Resolutions:
8. |
That authority be and is hereby given to the
Directors of the Company to:
(a) |
(i) |
issue shares in the capital
of the Company (“shares”)
whether by way of rights, bonus or otherwise;
and/or |
(ii) |
make or grant offers, agreements or options
(collectively, “Instruments”)
that might or would require shares to be issued,
including but not limited to the creation
and issue of (as well as adjustments to) warrants,
debentures or other instruments convertible
into shares, |
at any time and upon such terms and conditions
and for such purposes and to such persons
as the Directors may in their absolute discretion
deem fit; and |
(b) |
(notwithstanding the authority
conferred by this Resolution may have ceased
to be in force) issue shares in pursuance
of any Instrument made or granted by the Directors
while this Resolution was in force, |
11 |
provided that:
(1) |
the aggregate number of shares
to be issued pursuant to this Resolution (including
shares to be issued in pursuance of Instruments
made or granted pursuant to this Resolution)
does not exceed 50% of the issued share capital
of the Company (as calculated in accordance
with sub-paragraph (2) below), of which the
aggregate number of shares to be issued other
than on a pro rata basis to shareholders of
the Company (including shares to be issued
in pursuance of Instruments made or granted
pursuant to this Resolution) does not exceed
20% of the issued share capital of the Company
(as calculated in accordance with sub-paragraph
(2) below); |
(2) |
(subject to such manner of calculation
as may be prescribed by the Singapore Exchange
Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”))
for the purpose of determining the aggregate
number of shares that may be issued under
sub-paragraph (1) above, the percentage of
issued share capital shall be based on the
issued share capital of the Company as at
the time this Resolution is passed, after
adjusting for: |
(i) |
new shares arising from the conversion or
exercise of any convertible securities or
share options or vesting of share awards which
are outstanding or subsisting at the time
this Resolution is passed; and |
(ii) |
any subsequent consolidation or subdivision
of shares; |
(3) |
in exercising the authority conferred by this
Resolution, the Company shall comply with
the provisions of the Listing Manual of the
SGX-ST for the time being in force (unless
such compliance has been waived by the SGX-ST)
and the Articles of Association for the time
being of the Company; and |
(4) |
(unless revoked or varied by
the Company in General Meeting) the authority
conferred by this Resolution shall continue
in force until the conclusion of the next
Annual General Meeting of the Company or the
date by which the next Annual General Meeting
of the Company is required by law to be held,
whichever is the earlier. |
9. |
(a) |
approval be and is hereby given,
for the purposes of Chapter 9 of the listing
manual (“Chapter 9”) of
the SGX-ST, for the Company, its subsidiaries
and associated companies that are entities
at risk (as that term is used in Chapter 9),
or any of them, to enter into any of the transactions
falling within the types of interested person
transactions described in the Appendix to
the Letter to Shareholders dated April 15,
2004 (the “Letter”) with
any party who is of the class of interested
persons described in the Appendix to the Letter,
provided that such transactions are made on
normal commercial terms and in accordance
with the review procedures for such interested
person transactions; |
(b) |
the approval given in paragraph (1) above
(the “Shareholders Mandate”)
shall, unless revoked or varied by the Company
in general meeting, continue in force until
the conclusion of the next Annual General
Meeting of the Company; and |
(c) |
the Directors of the Company be and are
hereby authorised to complete and do all such
acts and things (including executing all such
documents as may be required) as they may
consider expedient or necessary or in the
interests of the Company to give effect to
the Shareholders Mandate and/or this Resolution. |
Resolution 12 |
10. |
That approval be and is hereby given to the Directors
(a) |
offer and grant options in accordance
with the provisions of the SembCorp Industries
Share Option Plan (the “Share Option
Plan”) and/or to grant awards in
accordance with the provisions of the SembCorp
Industries Performance Share Plan (the “Performance
Share Plan”) and/or the SembCorp
Industries Restricted Stock Plan (the “Restricted
Stock Plan”) (the Share Option Plan,
the Performance Share Plan and the Restricted
Stock Plan, together the “Share Plans”);
and |
(b) |
allot and issue from time to time such number
of shares of S$0.25 each in the capital of
the Company as may be required to be issued
pursuant to the exercise of options under
the Share Option Plan and/or such number of
fully paid shares as may be required to be
issued pursuant to the vesting of awards under
the Performance Share Plan and/or the Restricted
Stock Plan |
provided that the aggregate
number of shares to be issued pursuant to
the Share Plans shall not exceed 15% of the
issued share capital of the Company from time
to time. |
Resolution 13 |
11. |
To transact any other business |
By Order of the Board
Linda Hoon Siew Kin
Group Company Secretary
April 15, 2004
Explanatory Notes:
Resolution 3 – if re-elected, K Shanmugam
will remain as a member of the Audit Committee. K Shanmugam
is an independent Director.
Resolution 5 – if re-elected, Richard Hale OBE
will remain as a member of the Audit Committee. Richard
Hale OBE is an independent Director.
Statement pursuant to Article 55 of the Articles
of Association of the Company:
Resolution 11 – is to empower the
Directors to issue shares in the capital of the
Company and to make or grant instruments (such as
warrants or debentures) convertible into shares,
and to issue shares in pursuance of such instruments,
up to an amount not exceeding in total 50% of the
issued share capital of the Company, with a sub-limit
of 20% for issues other than on a pro rata basis
to shareholders. For the purpose of determining
the aggregate number of shares that may be issued,
the percentage of issued share capital shall be
based on the issued share capital of the Company
at the time that Resolution 11 is passed, after
adjusting for (a) new shares arising from the conversion
or exercise of any convertible securities or share
options or vesting of share awards which are outstanding
or subsisting at the time that Resolution 11 is
passed, and (b) any subsequent consolidation or
subdivision of shares.
Resolution 12 – is to renew the
mandate to enable the Company, its subsidiaries
and associated companies which are considered to
be "entities at risk" within the meaning
of Rule 904(2) of the listing manual of the Singapore
Exchange Securities Trading Limited, in their ordinary
course of businesses, to enter into categories of
transactions with specified classes of the Company's
interested persons, provided that such transactions
are entered into on an arm's length basis and on
normal commercial terms. Please see the Letter to
Shareholders dated April 15, 2004 for details.
Resolution 13 – is to empower the
Directors to offer and grant options and/or grant
awards and to issue shares in the capital of the
Company pursuant to the SembCorp Industries Share
Option Plan, the SembCorp Industries Performance
Share Plan and the SembCorp Industries Restricted
Stock Plan (collectively, the “Share Plans”)
provided that the aggregate number of shares issued
pursuant to the Share Plans shall not exceed 15%
of the issued share capital of the Company for the
time being. |
A member entitled
to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting
is entitled to appoint not more than two proxies
to attend and vote in his stead. A proxy need
not be a member of the Company. Proxies must
be lodged at the Registered Office of the
Company not later than 48 hours before the
time of the meeting. |
Notice of Books Closure and Dividend Payment Date
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Register
of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company
will be closed from May 7, 2004 to May 10, 2004,
both dates inclusive, to determine the shareholders’
entitlements to the proposed dividend. Duly completed
transfers of shares received by the Company’s
Share Registrar, M & C Services Private Limited
at 138 Robinson Road #17-00, The Corporate Office,
Singapore 068906, up to 5.00 pm on May 6, 2004 (the
“Book Closure Date”) will be registered
to determine shareholders’ entitlements to
the proposed dividend. Subject as aforesaid, shareholders
whose securities accounts with The Central Depository
(Pte) Limited are credited with ordinary shares
in the capital of the Company as at 5.00 pm on the
Book Closure Date will be entitled to the dividend.
The proposed dividend, if approved by
the members at the Annual General Meeting, will
be paid on May 21, 2004. |