
SembCorp Industries is committed to responsibly serving our community
and safeguarding the environment. We aim to ensure that the health
and safety of our customers, employees, the communities in which we
operate, as well as the environment are protected through tight certification,
regulations, and more importantly, a culture throughout the organisation
that recognises the importance of health, safety and environment (HSE)
at every level.
During the year, we won 23 safety awards at the Annual Safety Performance
Award 2002 organised by the Singapore Ministry of Manpower. Our Engineering
& Construction unit received 16 awards comprising 12 Silvers and
four Certificates of Merit while our Marine Engineering unit clinched
awards for all six projects it submitted, out of which four were selected
for Silver Awards and two for Merit Awards. Utilities SMOE also
received the Silver Award for good safety performance from the Ministry
of Manpower.
Utilities and Logistics, as well as Marine Engineering (Jurong Shipyard
and Sembawang Shipyard) were also each awarded the Singapore H.E.A.L.T.H
(Helping Employees Achieve Life-Time Health) Award respectively. Jurong
Shipyard received the Silver Award while each of the others received
a Bronze Award. Organised by Singapores Ministry of Health,
the Singapore H.E.A.L.T.H Awards are designed to give national recognition
to workplaces with commendable workplace health programmes.
Individual units also continued to achieve accreditations of internationally
recognised HSE standards such as ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
Throughout 2002, many initiatives were undertaken to further improve
on our
HSE efforts.
Integrated Utilities
In 2002, we implemented several measures to make our treatment of
wastewater at our multi-utility facilities more eco-friendly. We
reduced potable water usage in one of SUT Sakras wastewater
treatment plants by using wastewater for dilution purposes.
By diverting existing wastewater flows to the facility, we have
cut our usage of potable water for this facility by 89 per cent.
We also introduced granular sludge-based anaerobic technology to
reduce sludge production at another wastewater treatment facility
and expect a 75 per cent drop in sludge production in 2003 as a
result of this initiative.
In the year, we treated some 841,000 cubic metres of wastewater
at our wastewater treatment facilities, incinerated 8,200 tonnes
of waste at our hazardous waste incineration facility, and recycled
some 11,893,000 cubic metres of water. We not only recycle sewage
effluent into high grade industrial water (which is then used as
process water for our customers on Jurong Island), but also collect
condensate return to be utilised in our demineralised water facility.
Our 815-megawatt combined cycle generation plant, SembCorp Cogen
is designed and built according to Singapores Green Charter
and World Bank emissions standards. A natural gas-fired plant, it
has substantially lower emissions of greenhouse gases than conventional
plants, and emits a negligible amount of sulphur dioxide, particulate
matter, and less carbon dioxide than plants powered by fuel oil.
In cogenerating steam, SembCorp Cogen utilises waste heat from its
power generating gas turbines to produce steam. This steam then
powers a steam turbine to generate more power. The steam is also
used by industrial customers for their process heating requirements.
Cogeneration helps to bring fuel utilisation up to the region of
70 to 75 per cent efficiency levels thereby making more efficient
use of our energy resources.
In June, SembCorp Gas achieved OHSAS 18001 accreditation, and since
January 2000, a zero accident rate has been achieved at Singapores
first commercial gas receiving facility.
Offshore Engineering
In December, SMOE crossed the 16 million manhours mark for work
without lost time injury. This safety record is amongst the very
best in an industry that demands very high standards, as our clients
are international oil and gas companies which demand extremely high
safety requirements from its contractors.
This year, Singapore was brought nearer to closing the recycling
loop with the opening of our automated materials recycling facility
to sort collected recyclables. Asias first, the facility automatically
sorts and recovers paper, plastics, glass and metals and presently
recovers some 25 tonnes of recyclables a shift, with capacity expected
to increase to 100 tonnes per shift by end-2003. Integral to our
service to society as an environmental engineering company is the
key role we play in public education as we continue to share our
3Rs philosophy Reduce, Reuse and Recycle with the young
and the public at large. To this end, we not only encourage our
industrial and commercial clients to recycle with a rewards-cum-loyalty
programme, but are also involved in a wide range of initiatives
to encourage greater community participation in recycling and environmental
In 2002, we introduced crates for the collection of recyclables
in landed housing estates and worked with key retailers in a Go
Green initiative organised by the National Environment Agency
to provide recycling and refuse bins in strategic places. We launched
a Waste Wise Programme that reached out to 30,000 children in 14
schools throughout Singapore and also organised various environmental
awareness programmes in local communities such as Hong Kah North,
ZhengHua and Woodlands.
We continued to support the adoption of three endangered tree frog
species at the Singapore Zoological Gardens, and throughout the
year, continued to hold various public talks and roadshows in schools
and community centres. We partnered the private sector in launching
their own in-house recycling programmes and sponsored a wide range
of events. We helped students of the Singapore Management University
secure a place in the Guinness World of Records by contributing
some 16,000 used cans for building the worlds longest aluminum
can chain. By using aluminum cans, the organisers hoped to promote
environmental awareness in the campus while raising funds for future
community service projects at the same time.
Apart from the 16 awards clinched at the Annual Safety Performance
Award 2002, SembCorp Engineers and Constructors also took a gold
in the Safety Innovation Teams Convention 2002.
For 2002, our Accident Frequency Rate was down to 1.5 against the
industry average of 2.8, and our Accident Severity Rate was 34 against
the industry average of 553. We aim to reduce these numbers even
further in 2003.
We also seek to minimise environmental impact in our operations.
Apart from communicating our environmental policy to our employees,
partners and clients, we also believe in the importance of integrating
environmental management into our day-to-day business management
processes. For example, protecting the environment is one of the
key considerations in our design, development and construction.
A total environmental quality score is established to monitor the
environmental design effectiveness of our designs. During the construction
process in our projects, systems and procedures are established
to minimise pollution and material wastage.
2002 saw the start-up of operations at Jurong Logistics Terminal,
our new chemicals solutions centre built with joint venture partner
Katoen Natie on Jurong Island. This terminal serves the logistics
needs of the chemical and petrochemical industries with a revolutionary
bulk supply chain system, particularly known in the industry for
its contribution to a greener environment. The bulk supply chain
system pioneered successfully by Katoen Natie in Europe has now
been introduced to Singapore by Katoen Natie SembCorp. It eliminates
the step where materials need to be handled in packed form for transportation
between production facility and processing plant. Instead, products
are stored in silos and can be transferred by specialised bulk trailers
to their eventual destinations. We have 40 such silos in the Jurong
Logistics Terminal. Not only is this system more efficient, it also
eliminates the vast volume of packaging materials previously needed.
Other measures to minimise environmental impact are also undertaken
at the terminal. These include the segregation of the drainage systems
within the terminal from public drains in order to prevent chemical
products flowing into them. All waste produced at the terminal is
also categorised into recyclables and non-recyclables, and information
and trends are monitored so that waste production can be reduced.
During 2002, Behavioural-Based Safety (BBS) was implemented at both
Jurong Shipyard and Sembawang Shipyard. The purpose of BBS is to
move away from an independent safety culture that depends on enforced,
self-regulatory systems and towards an interdependent one which
relies on more effective and permanent behavioural and cultural
changes to inculcate the value of individual responsibility in ensuring
the safety of oneself and those around.
In addition, Jurong Shipyard also inaugurated the SmartSAFE system
that pioneers the use of Palm-based Personal Digital Assistants
to update electronic records of safety inspections. Apart from BBS,
SmartSAFE also incorporates the yards Safety Management System
and a cross-referencing module on legislative safety requirements.
Copper slag is the single largest source of shipyard waste. JPL
Industries, set up to collect and recycle used copper slag, continues
to operate successfully, recycling copper slag waste to usable slag
or concrete products.
