Group |
Company |
2009 |
2008 |
2009 |
2008 |
Note |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
Raw materials |
104,352 |
97,768 |
4,330 |
4,582 |
Finished goods |
83,570 |
69,488 |
5,005 |
4,771 |
187,922 |
167,256 |
9,335 |
9,353 |
Allowance for inventory obsolescence |
(9,005) |
(8,370) |
— |
— |
178,917 |
158,886 |
9,335 |
9,353 |
Work-in-progress |
(a) |
1,236,338 |
790,960 |
— |
— |
1,415,255 |
949,846 |
9,335 |
9,353 |
a. Work-in-progress: |
Costs and attributable profits |
5,274,160 |
3,651,155 |
1,343 |
1,343 |
Allowance for foreseeable losses |
(300) |
(4,254) |
— |
— |
5,273,860 |
3,646,901 |
1,343 |
1,343 |
Progress billings |
(4,754,931) |
(3,830,974) |
(1,343) |
(1,343) |
518,929 |
(184,073) |
— |
— |
Comprising: |
Work-in-progress |
1,236,338 |
790,960 |
— |
— |
Excess of progress billings over work-in-progress |
(717,409) |
(975,033) |
— |
— |
518,929 |
(184,073) |
— |
— |
Group |
Company |
2009 |
2008 |
2009 |
2008 |
Note |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
Trade receivables |
13 |
310,367 |
577,316 |
26,489 |
15,280 |
Current portion of finance lease |
14 |
3,520 |
3,374 |
— |
— |
Amount due from related parties |
15 |
8,403 |
6,105 |
31,552 |
8,917 |
Other receivables, deposits and prepayments |
20 |
630,694 |
595,385 |
193,799 |
193,182 |
Other financial assets |
11 |
26,928 |
29,769 |
— |
— |
Advance to suppliers |
571 |
7,152 |
— |
— |
980,483 |
1,219,101 |
251,840 |
217,379 |
Group |
Company |
2009 |
2008 |
2009 |
2008 |
Note |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
Deposits |
6,247 |
7,356 |
1,106 |
1,124 |
Prepayments |
48,632 |
34,196 |
6,185 |
2,391 |
Tax recoverable |
229,756 |
259,896 |
152,645 |
175,394 |
Sundry receivables |
60,803 |
81,761 |
800 |
467 |
Unbilled receivables |
283,645 |
207,593 |
31,192 |
13,294 |
Loan receivables |
4,281 |
7,234 |
— |
— |
Recoverable |
3,170 |
6,300 |
2,192 |
572 |
Interest receivable |
311 |
601 |
— |
— |
636,845 |
604,937 |
194,120 |
193,242 |
Allowance for doubtful receivables |
(6,151) |
(9,552) |
(321) |
(60) |
19 |
630,694 |
595,385 |
193,799 |
193,182 |
Unbilled receivables represent revenue accrued for sale of utilities services, electricity, gas and other related products. |
Group |
2009 |
2008 |
Note |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
Property, plant and equipment |
6 |
597 |
— |
Other intangible asset |
16 |
60 |
— |
657 |
— |
Group |
Company |
2009 |
2008 |
2009 |
2008 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
Cash and cash equivalents in the consolidated statement of cash flows |
2,597,512 |
2,400,954 |
261,367 |
45,541 |
Included in the Group’s cash and cash equivalents at the balance sheet date are amounts of S$4.7 million (2008: S$7.5
million) held in countries with foreign exchange control restrictions.
Included in the Company’s cash and cash equivalents at the balance sheet date are amounts of S$255.5 million (2008:
S$43 million) placed with a bank via a subsidiary. |
Group |
Company |
2009 |
2008 |
2009 |
2008 |
Note |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
Trade payables |
1,594,791 |
1,500,869 |
5,859 |
3,264 |
Advance payments from customers |
25,617 |
36,673 |
305 |
555 |
Other financial liabilities |
24 |
30,069 |
166,738 |
— |
— |
Amount due to related parties |
25 |
18,011 |
10,248 |
45,873 |
232,086 |
Other payables and accrued charges |
26 |
776,057 |
906,906 |
101,092 |
80,629 |
2,444,545 |
2,621,434 |
153,129 |
316,534 |
Group |
2009 |
2008 |
Note |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
a. Current Liabilities |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss: |
– Interest rate swaps |
— |
1,001 |
– Forward foreign exchange contracts |
25 |
127 |
– Foreign exchange swap contracts |
1,054 |
2,454 |
– Commodity contracts |
— |
44 |
Cash flow hedges: |
– Interest rate swaps |
5,148 |
6,703 |
– Forward foreign exchange contracts |
23,842 |
72,530 |
– Foreign exchange swap contracts |
— |
1,261 |
– Fuel oil swaps |
— |
82,618 |
23 |
30,069 |
166,738 |
b. Non-current Liabilities |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss: |
– Interest rate swaps |
527 |
— |
Cash flow hedges: |
– Interest rate swaps |
10,373 |
10,913 |
– Forward foreign exchange contracts |
19,548 |
50,506 |
– Fuel oil swaps |
— |
3,669 |
30 |
30,448 |
65,088 |
Joint ventures
Minority shareholders of subsidiaries
2009 |
2008 |
2009 |
2008 |
2009 |
2008 |
2009 |
2008 |
Note |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
Group |
Amounts due to: |
Trade |
3,328 |
— |
2,107 |
2,034 |
11,391 |
312 |
16,826 |
2,346 |
Non-trade |
775 |
1,604 |
2,835 |
5,364 |
— |
— |
3,610 |
6,968 |
Loans |
— |
— |
— |
— |
86,593 |
8,585 |
86,593 |
8,585 |
4,103 |
1,604 |
4,942 |
7,398 |
97,984 |
8,897 |
107,029 |
17,899 |
Amounts due after 1 year |
30 |
(3,328) |
— |
— |
— |
(85,690) |
(7,651) |
(89,018) |
(7,651) |
23 |
775 |
1,604 |
4,942 |
7,398 |
12,294 |
1,246 |
18,011 |
10,248 |
Loans from minority shareholders of subsidiaries of S$85,690,000 (2008: S$7,651,000) bear interest at rates ranging
from 3.53% to 8.35% (2008: 3.53% to 7.02%) per annum, are unsecured and repayable from 2013 onwards.
The remaining non-trade amounts and loans due to related parties are unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demand. |
Joint ventures
2009 |
2008 |
2009 |
2008 |
2009 |
2008 |
Note |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
S$’000 |
Company |
Amounts due to related parties |
(i) |
45,870 |
25,888 |
3 |
— |
45,873 |
25,888 |
Loans from a related party |
(ii) |
646,700 |
664,932 |
— |
— |
646,700 |
664,932 |
692,570 |
690,820 |
3 |
— |
692,573 |
690,820 |
Amounts due after 1 year |
30 |
(646,700) |
(458,734) |
— |
— |
(646,700) |
(458,734) |
23 |
45,870 |
232,086 |
3 |
— |
45,873 |
232,086 |
i. |
The amounts due to related parties are unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demand. |
ii. |
The loans from a related party comprise:
a. |
S$206,000,000 in 2008 which were unsecured, repayable on demand and bore an effective interest rate of
1.23% per annum. |
b. |
S$646,700,000 (2008: S$458,700,000) which are unsecured, repayable on December 31, 2013 and bear an
effective interest rate of 3.31% (2008: 2.48%) per annum. |